/Come pray for your hometown! This community group will meet on Wed, April 2 at Hideaway Pizza on Main St. at noon.
Come pray for your hometown! This community group will meet on Wed, April 2 at Hideaway Pizza on Main St. at noon.
All women of the church are invited to join in on Fri, April 4 at 10:00AM in the Asbury Rm / CRC.
Come play your favorite game or learn a new one, bring a friend and make some new ones! Join us for fellowship, fun and games, and of course food! We meet the 3rd Sat from 4:30-7:00PM in the CRC. Child care is available upon reservation by calling the church office.
Our men will meet on Mon, April 14 at 6:00PM in the FH. Come on out for a hearty meal and fellowship!
Susan Hill’s class is canceled for this week. Class will resume next Wednesday at 6pm.
Calling all the men of the church! Join in on Mon, Feb 10 at 6:00PM in the FH for a hearty meal and short business meeting.
The youth will be having their FireSide Fellowship on Saturday, February 15 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at the Tilted Bell Farm, home of Angie Arnold.
Join us for a night of fellowship around the fire and a game of manhunt. Bring your flashlights and a warm jacket!
See Paul Adams for address and directions.
The church office will be closed on February 17th for their annual staff retreat. The office will reopen on Tuesday.
During the month of February, the youth will be collecting household items and furniture (no clothing or shoes) for their March 1 yard sale.
Items may be dropped off at the youth room in the Crossroads Center during the times below:
Mondays / Noon - 2pm,
Wednesdays / 9:30AM - Noon ,
Friday Feb. 21 / 5:00PM - 7:00PM.
Please use CRC Youth Rm side door (under portico).
Yard sale will be held March 1 from 7:00AM-2:00PM.
Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service on March 5th at 6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary. Service will be FB Live streamed. Nursery available for ages 6 weeks - 4 years.
This is your happy reminder to set your clocks one hour ahead Saturday evening, March 8.
All men are invited to join in on Mon, March 10 at 6:00PM in the FH for a great meal and time of fellowship followed by a short business meeting.
Yarnies will meet on Tues, March 25 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Memorial service for Bob Winters will be held Sat. March 15 at 11:00AM in our Main Sanctuary. Visitation is at 10:00AM. Please keep Barbara & family in your prayers.
Our next CommUNITY Dinner will be Wed, March 19 at 5:30-PM in the CRC. Our Women’s Service Group will be serving baked spaghetti, salad & rolls. Please bring a dessert if able. All proceeds will go towards our Women’s Service Group for Worship Technology Funding. Stay tuned for more details
Memorial service for Rhonda Sellers Brooks will be held Sat. March 22 at 11:00AM in our Main Sanctuary. Visitation is at 10:00AM.
Join us on Saturday, March 29th for a morning of sprucing up our church and campus. If you would like to join us, please arrive at 8am at the Crossroads Center. We will end the morning with a pizza lunch at 11am. There will be inside and outside jobs to do, so all are welcome to attend (even the children)!
Join us as we journey to the cross together!
One combined service 10:30AM in the Main Sanctuary. *
FB Live streamed. Lunch & Children’s Festival to follow.
Don’t forget your Easter Basket!
(Except Chancel Choir)
6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary. FB Live streamed. *
6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary. FB Live streamed. *
8:30, 9:45 & 11:00AM services will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!*
9:45 & 11:00AM services will be FB Live streamed.