Youth Yard Sale on Saturday, March 1 / Adjusted Drop-Off Schedule

During the month of February, the youth will be collecting household items and furniture (no clothing or shoes) for their March 1 yard sale.

Items may be dropped off at the youth room in the Crossroads Center during the times below:

Mondays / Noon - 2pm,

Wednesdays / 9:30AM - Noon , 

Friday Feb. 21 / 5:00PM -  7:00PM.

Please use CRC Youth Rm side door (under portico).

Yard sale will be held March 1 from 7:00AM-2:00PM.

Holy Week Services / Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter

Join us as we journey to the cross together!

Palm Sunday Service & Children’s Festival / April 13

One combined service 10:30AM in the Main Sanctuary. *

FB Live streamed. Lunch & Children’s Festival to follow.

Don’t forget your Easter Basket!


No evening activities scheduled for Wednesday, April 16

(Except Chancel Choir)


Maundy Thursday Communion Service / April 17

6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary. FB Live streamed. *


Good Friday Service / April 18

6:30PM in the Main Sanctuary. FB Live streamed. *


Easter Celebration / Sunday, April 20

8:30, 9:45 & 11:00AM services will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!*

9:45 & 11:00AM services will be FB Live streamed.


*Nursery available for children 6 weeks to age 4 for all Holy Week Services.