Youth Fireside Fellowship on Friday, Nov 5
Our youth will gather at the Fordyce home from 4-8:00PM on Fri, Nov 5. Please see Paul Adams or Sara Fordyce for more info, or call the church office.
Our youth will gather at the Fordyce home from 4-8:00PM on Fri, Nov 5. Please see Paul Adams or Sara Fordyce for more info, or call the church office.
All women of the church are invited to the next meeting of the Women's Service Group on Fri, Nov 5 at 9:00AM in Rm 212.
Interested 4th and 5th grade children will meet on Kids Street on Sunday, Nov. 28 at 9:45AM and then travel to the training in the Main Sanctuary at 9:50AM.
If your child is interested in a refresher they are welcome to attend.
Pick up will be on Kids' Street at 10:45AM.
Please Contact Angela Long at to sign up.
Our church office will be closed on Thursday, Nov 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day.
UMM will meet on Monday, Nov 8 at 6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall. Our special guest speaker is from Project Hope. All men of the church are invited!
Yarn Ministry
Yarnies will meet on Tues, Nov 9 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Yarn Ministry|Oct 26
Yarnies will meet at 6:00PM in Rm 213 on Tues, Oct 26. All interested in this fun ministry are welcome!
Hurricane Ida hit the gulf coast of Louisiana six weeks ago.
What are we going to do: We're going to drive over to Golden Meadow (about 310 miles), have lunch, and then get to work
More specifically: We will be cleaning up tree debris, and maybe some household goods, and perhaps even put a tarp on a roof.
When: Friday - Saturday, October 22-23, 2021
Depart Crestview: 6am Friday
Arrive Golden Meadow: noon Friday
First shift: 2-6pm Friday
Second shift: 8am-noon Saturday
Depart GM: 2pm Saturday
Arrive Crestview: 8pm Saturday
Who: So far, it's just me and Jody Woodward, so we need your help too.
Commentary: We'll be operating out of the Golden Meadow UMC and staying there overnight, we need to bring along our own air mattresses and bedding (sleeping bags) and they will be providing us some floor space, restrooms, and showers and a few meals to boot.
Please consider making this trip with us.
Please forward this on to anyone that you think might be interested in helping out. Thanks
In Christ We Serve,
Scott Sallberg
Please contact the church office at 850-682-2018 to sign up!
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 10:00AM-7:00PM
Wed, Fri, Sat: 10:00AM-8:00PM
Sunday: Pumpkin sales will take place offsite in the FuMC parking area from 12:00PM to 6:00PM
Location: 7th Ave (Between Hwy 85 & Texas Pkwy)
Daily story time for local schools, daycares and small groups!
Coloring and craft table for the kids!
Apple cider! Photo ops! Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin!
Small carving & large pumpkins will be available as well as miniature pumpkins (while supplies last).
The fundraiser is open to the public, but reservations will be needed to accommodate any group for Story Time.
Story time begins on October 7th
and can be scheduled as early as 8:30 AM.
All proceeds will go to the Children's Program to benefit their programing and Camp Tuition.
Email to volunteer or if you have any questions.
Please contact Angela at 850-682-2018 to schedule a story time for your group.
Our pumpkins will arrive TODAY at 4:30PM, Mon, Oct 11.
Please arrive between 4:00- 4:30 if you plan to help unload the pumpkin truck.
Any volunteers who have signed up to help with pumpkin sales please get with Angela Long to confirm you are still available to help. Thank you so much for your support!
The FUMC Kid’s Street Pumpkin Patch will be officially open on Tues, Oct 12 at 10:00AM!
CommUNITY Dinner &
A Very Benevolence Christmas Kick-Off
Everyone is cordially invited to join us for a wonderful CommUNITY Dinner on Wednesday, Nov 10 at 5:30PM at The Crossroads Center. Menu will be the traditional holiday fare of turkey, dressing, gravy, roll and veg. We will begin taking reservations on Sunday, Oct 31. A donation box will be out to help offset the cost of the meal. Proceeds from our meal will go towards our Benevolence Ministry Christmas program.
Our Harvest Pantry Wagon will greet you at the front of the CRC to accept canned goods & other items that will help fill Thanksgiving boxes for those in need in our community. Items requested are canned yams, stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc.
A Very Benevolence Christmas will officially kick-off that night with our team ready to assist as you pick an Angel from our Angel Tree. Our children come from our community of Crestview and this may provide them with the only Christmas they will receive this year. Please consider participating in this wonderful FUMC tradition!
Tacky Christmas Sweater Contest will take place at the stage of the CRC at 6:00PM! Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Prepare to foo-foo that festive sweatshirt in the back of the closet- you may win! (Please no glitter per the campus facility regulations.)
ALSO- as if this evening couldn't get any better- our Winter Small Group Book Fair table will debut their new studies coming out in the New Year. Peruse our offerings and sign up, we're saving you a seat!
AND.... AND... AND we are planning for a special guest to make an appearance. Think North Pole sugar cookies and a lot of red and you get the idea. Mrs Claus photo op will be available on The CRC stage beginning at 5:30PM.
Church Council, youth and children will all meet at 6:30PM.
We can't wait to see you there!
Kid's Street Fall Festival
When: Wednesday Oct 27 at 6:00PM
Where: FUMC Kid's Street
Costumes: All children are encouraged to dress in their favorite bible or book character.
Note: Please make sure the costumes are child friendly and not scary to our toddlers.
We want to keep it a fun and safe environment.
Bring: bring a tote bag to collect candy in.
Parade: The children will enjoy Autumn snacks, crafts & a trick-or-treat parade around campus!
Senior ministry game day|Oct 15
Bring your game face and a potluck dish to share on Fri, Oct 15 from 11:00AM-2:00PM. The meeting has been moved to the Crossroads Center Asbury room for this meeting only.
Yarn Ministry|Oct 12
Yarnies will meet on Tues, Sept 28 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
United Methodist Men|Oct 18 RESCHEDULED!!!
All men are invited to join in at 6:00PM in the FH on Monday, Oct 18. There will be food, fellowship, singing, and a short business meeting. Special Guest is Kelley Childs, our Airman & Family Readiness Center Director from Eglin AFB.
There is a delay in our pumpkin delivery due to the current strain on delivery trucks across this great country of ours.
Please share this notice & keep an eye out for updates.
We will need everyone to help as best they can when we get a new date & time.
Debuting 'Through the Stained Glass' Mug #2
We are now debuting mug #2 in our ‘Through the Stained Glass’ mug series which celebrates our Christian heritage as presented in our Christ Chapel and Main Sanctuary.
This new mug features windows from our Main Sanctuary. Mugs are $20.00 ea with all profits going to support Pastor Kris in Poland.
There are 6 mugs in this series, 3 depicting stained glass from Christ Chapel and 3 from the Main Sanctuary.
A new mug will be released every couple of months.
You can order mug #2 now by emailing the office,, with your name and how many mugs you would like. After placing your order, you may then pay online on our website,, under the giving tab OR you may pay by a check notating in the memo line "Christ Mug".
They are 20$ each and will make great Christmas gifts!
You can check out the mug #1 and #2 in the hospitality area cabinet by the church office.
Deadline for ordering mug #2 is October 27.
Women’s Service Group|Oct 1
All women of the church are invited to join in on Fri, Oct 1 from 9:00-11:00AM in Rm 212.
Yarn Ministry|Sept 28
Yarnies will meet on Tues, Sept 28 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Women's Service Group Prayer Vigil|Sept 15
The Women's Service Group will be gathering for prayer outside the church office on Friday, September 17, 2021, from 9:30am - 10:30am. With FUMC members, families, friends, other churches, and the Crestview community being affected by a surge in COVID-19 illness, we believe it important to lift in prayer all who have been affected, including our first responders and medical professionals.
Out of respect for privacy, we will NOT be sharing the names of anyone we know who has battled or is battling COVID-19, and ask that those who join us for prayer not share names either.
Whether you can join us for the entire hour or for just a few minutes, we look forward to seeing you! Pray with us out loud, pray silently, or share a devotional reading if you'd like. I know the Lord will be with us!
Feel free to bring along a lawn chair and something to drink. We will be outside the entire time, so hopefully the weather will cooperate, but the portico offers some coverage from the sun and rain.
Contact Eileen Kurtz, Women's Service Group President, at 703-405-6101 with any questions, and thank you Pastor Ronnie for your support! -Eileen Kurtz