First Methodist Crestview’s youth program consists of middle school and high school aged (6th-12th grade) students who meet weekly for fellowship and Bible study (see schedule below).
Hi, I am Paul Adams. I love to hunt, fish, play video games, and talk about the Bible! Getting the youth excited about God’s Word and bringing them closer to Him is what I strive to do each day working as the youth minister at First Methodist Church of Crestview. Our church is blessed to have a loving group of teens that are being trained and equipped to demonstrate the love of Christ to others via their words and actions. If you have any questions about our youth program, please reach out to me at
Our youth have many special events throughout the year! Each summer we attend a ministry camp for youth. In April we have our annual Discovery Weekend, which is a weekend-long revival at our church that ends with a youth lead worship service. The youth serve our soup kitchen several times a year providing a meal to those in need within the community.
Wednesday Night Summit Crossroads Center Youth Room 6pm — 7:30pm 6th—12th Grade
On Wednesday nights, we kick-off with announcements and worship! We then have an open Bible study, where we take turns reading through both the Old and New Testament. The youth are encouraged to ask lots of questions to better understand God’s Word and grow their relationship with the Lord. We then have a time of prayer and fellowship to close out our time together.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Morning Small Group Crossroads Center Youth Room 9:45am & 11am 6th—12th Grade
On Sunday mornings we go through a book called “D-Life” which takes the youth through the Old or New Testament in 1 year’s time. Each week we gather at 9:45am and 11am to discuss specific readings from during the week. This is a time to dig deep into the Bible and share about personal experiences related to the scripture.
Annual Events
Discovery Weekend
Camp Blue Lake
Fireside Fellowship
Soup Kitchen—Every 5th Saturday
Discovery Weekend
Our Youth had a BLAST at Discovery 2024!
“First night of Discovery Weekend. We played, we prayed, we listened, we laughed, we shed a few tears and felt the Holy Spirit at work! GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!”- Sara Fordyce
Download the following forms below for special events:
Youth Medical/Liability/Medication Release Form Photo Release Form