Weekly Small Group Classes
Winter Small Groups
Click on any of the small groups below to join.
Current Tuesday Class at 10am
Current Wednesday Classes at 6:00pm
Revelation by Max Lucado Led by Susan Hill in the Asbury Room of the Crossroads Center
You are a Christian, Now What?—Class Led by Eddie Hager in room 405 of the Crossroads Center.
REFIT: Christian Fitness for Women - Carrie Prescott —Wesley Hall in the Crossroads Center.
Other Service Groups
REFIT Class: Monday's and Friday's at 8:45AM (child care available)
Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Crossroads Center.
REFIT ® is a workout you can feel good about! With powerful moves and positive music, you'll discover an inspiring workout that changes your body, mind and soul. This cardio-focused class is effective and FUN -- perfect for beginners and challenging for fitness enthusiasts (which means it's a workout designed for everyBODY!)
Yarn Ministry: Tuesday's at 6:00PM - 7:30PM in Room 213
An informal prayer and fellowship group made up of individuals with shared interest in crocheting, knitting, and creating items to bless and serve others in times of needs. From blankets, to hats, to special projects this group works year-round to bless others with their wonderful creations. All skill levels are welcome to attend. “Let the beauty of the Lord, our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.”
8th Avenue Methodist Men: 2nd Monday each month at 6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall. Church members and attendees are welcome.
Chancel Choir: Choir meets every Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the choir room.
Handbell Choir: Tuesday’s at 6pm.
Men & Women’s Prayer Group: Every Wednesday morning at 9:00AM (Men in the Conference room & women in the Prayer room).
Women’s Service Group: Meets the first Friday each month from 9:00AM to 11:00AM in the Crossroads Center Asbury Room.