Soup Kitchen Ministry
On Saturdays, we have a Soup Kitchen that serves anywhere from 80-100 people every week. We have over 60 volunteers involved in feeding the hungry each year with homemade nutritious meals, since March 10, 2010. The Soup Kitchen mission is funded by donations and collaboration with local grocery stores and bakeries
First Methodist Church offers hot meals every Saturday from 11am until noon to those in need within our community.
The Soup Kitchen is located on the north side of the campus. Just look for the sign that says Fellowship Hall.
Soup Kitchens
Mon - Fri: Helping Hands Ministry (Central Baptist hosts) 120 Dugan Ave, 850-398-5670, 11-1:00PM
Wednesday: LifePoint Church, 400 S. Ferdon Blvd, 850-682-3518, 11-noon
Friday: First Presbyterian Church, 492 Ferdon Blvd (Hwy 85 & 90) 850-682-2835, 11:00AM
Saturday: First Methodist Church, 559 8th Ave., 850-398-5670, 11:00-noon
Sunday: Church of the Nazarene, 395 Aplin Rd., 850-682-7995, Dinner at Dad’s, 2-3:00PM
If you need any information or would like to volunteer to help in the Soup Kitchen, contact Deb Lubas.