Parent's Night Out, May 12

We want to show our appreciation for parents by creating opportunities for you to have a night out to relax, go for dinner, or enjoy a few hours to regroup for the week ahead.  

Pre- Registration is required and available online at  We have increased the price after feedback from parents saying the would like to donate more and are thankful for the event.  

Location: Kid’s Street First UMC 

Ages  -   6 months -- 5th grade

Time – 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

$8.00 Per child/Max $30 per family

Drop off begins at 4:50 PM 

Meal served at 5:45 PM

Snack served at 6:15 PM

Please bring a labeled snack and/or meal if your child has allergies or specific dietary needs.  Notify our staff if there are any foods your child cannot be in contact with (i.e. peanuts, etc). 

Community Dinner May 10

On Wednesday, May 10th our community dinner will be to celebrate Pastor Kris and his mission. All proceeds from the meal will go to Pastor Kris in Poland. Pastor Kris is a full-time pastor in Poland whose church is supported, in part by our monthly gifts.  When we can, we send teams to supply hands-on aid for these missions, but we are always praying and giving to do our part in helping their work flourish. 

Silent Auction to Support Pastor Kris

Silent Auction to Support Pastor Kris

During our community dinner will be hosting a Silent Auction to raise funds to help support Pastor Kris and his church in Poland. 

Auction items will be available on Sunday April 30, Wednesday May 3, Sunday May 7 and final bids on Wednesday May 10th at the community dinner and winners will be announced.

All proceeds will go to Pastor Kris in Poland. To learn more about Pastor Kris, please go to our website at

Palm Sunday Event, April 2nd

There will be one worship service at 10:30am in the Main Sanctuary.

 Adult Sunday School 9:30am-10:15am 

Kids’ Street open at 9:15am, 6wks—5th grade Kids Sunday School—9:30am to 10:15am

Kids will line up at 10:15am to carry the palms into the Sanctuary. 

Children’s Church—10:45am to 11:30am

Lunch served at 11:40 am outside of the Christ Chapel (Alabama Street) 

Children’s activities begin at noon with games, face painting, bounce house and our annual Easter Egg Hunt (bring your basket)! All children are to be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times during this event.