Women's Service Group on Friday, Sept 6
WSG is back after their summer hiatus! All women of the church are invited to join in on Fri, Sept 6 at 10:00AM in the Asbury Rm in the Crossroads Center.
WSG is back after their summer hiatus! All women of the church are invited to join in on Fri, Sept 6 at 10:00AM in the Asbury Rm in the Crossroads Center.
Yarnies will not meet on Tues, Sept 10.
The next meeting will be on Tues, September 24 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
We want to show our appreciation for parents by creating opportunities for you to have a night out to relax, go for dinner, or enjoy a few hours to regroup for the week ahead.
Pre- Registration is required and available online at firstcrestview.com.
Location: Kids' Street First Methodist Church
599 8th Ave, Crestview FL
Ages - 6 months -- 5th grade
Time – 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
$10 per child
Payment is due at drop off, exact cash or checks accepted
(make checks payable to FMC)
Please bring a labeled snack and/or meal if your child has allergies or specific dietary needs. Notify our staff if there are any foods your child cannot be in contact with (i.e. peanuts, etc).
This year’s Missions Fair is Sept 18 in the Crossroads Center!
Looking for a place to plug in? Make sure to stop by Sunday morning & Wednesday evening to peruse our displays and chat with group volunteers.
Our Yarn Ministry has donated an afghan & shawl for their annual Mission Fair drawing. Swing by their table to drop your name into the bowl. Winner will be announced at our CommUNITY dinner on Sept 18.
CommUNITY Dinner
Wednesday, Sept 18 at 5:30PM in the Crossroads Center!
Our Mission team will be graciously serving lasagna, bread & salad.
Please bring a desert to share if you are able.
A donation box will be set out to help cover the cost of the meal.
Volunteers are appreciated for set-up, serving and clean-up. Please call Pam Hight at 850-758-8201 if you can assist.
All proceeds will go towards our Missions fund.
The CRC lobby will still be holding our Mission Fair, so come peruse the tables and drop your name in the bowl for our Yarn Ministry drawings.
Youth, Kids St. and Chancel Choir will meet at usual.
Church Council will begin at 6:30PM.
Kids’ Street will be having an End of Summer Celebration on August 7th at 6pm.
There will be games and outside water play! Bring your towel and wear clothes that you can get wet in!
It’s about time to bless the backpacks, students and school personnel. Bring your backpacks, totes or lunchboxes to any service on Sun, Aug 11.
Calling all men of the church! Join us for a hearty meal, good fellowship and a short business meeting on Monday, Aug 12 at 6:00PM in the FH.
Join us at our 9:45AM 'The Well' worship service at 9:45AM in the Crossroads Center on Sunday, Aug 4 as we celebrate all things VBS!
All who love to make a joyful noise are invited to our Chancel Choir party on Wed, Aug 14 at 6:00PM.
Contact Kevin Lusk, FMC Choir Director, at 850-598-5745 for more info.
We’re going to have a blast on Sunday, July 28 at noon making our CRC look like a grand undersea adventure! Join us for pizza & decorating fun!
Since July has 5 Tuesdays we will meet again on July 30 at Panera’s at 6:00PM—bring your project!
Yarnies will meet on Tues, July 9 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Kid's St (Children's Ministry) and Refit (The Crossroads Center/Wesley Hall) will meet as usual at 6:00PM. Youth will not meet this week.
Due to July 4 and the holiday weekend, Youth will not meet on Wed, July 3.
Yarnies will meet on Tues, June 25 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Our church office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 in celebration of Independence Day!
Come pray for your hometown on Wed, July 3 at 12:00PM at Hideaway Pizza on Main St.
Calling all Youth! Join us for a morning of service at the Soup Kitchen and then celebrate together at a pool party! Stay tuned for further details.
Calling all men of the church! Join us for a hearty meal, good fellowship and a short business meeting on Mon, July 8 at 6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall.