Mug Series To Benefit Pastor Kris

Debuting 'Through the Stained Glass' Mug #6 (PICTURED)

Orders for mug #6 have begun. Deadline to order is April 24. This mug features the Christ Window from our Main Sanctuary.

Our ‘Through the Stained Glass’ mug series celebrates our Christian heritage as presented in our Christ Chapel and Main Sanctuary.

There are 6 mugs in this series, 3 depicting stained glass from Christ Chapel and 3 from the Main Sanctuary. You can personally view the mugs in our history hutch located in the hospitality area in front of the church office.

Mugs are $20.00 ea with all profits going to support Pastor Kris in Poland.

All mugs can be ordered on the clipboard outside of all Sunday services, email, call the office, or notate your grace note.

Worship Schedule for Sundays, Dec 26 & Jan 2

Join us for Sunday worship Dec 26 & Jan 2 and bring a friend!

‘Morning Glory’ service takes place at 8:30AM in Christ Chapel.

The Morning Glory Service provides an atmosphere of piano led music, soloists, ensembles and congregational singing to stir the heart in preparation of the Word.

‘The Well’ takes place at 9:45AM in The Crossroads Center.

The Well comes from Isaiah 12:3, which says: “With joy you will drink deeply from the wells of salvation!” The Well combines contemporary music with various traditional elements from our Christian heritage. Our prayer is that our worship will be centered on God and what God has done for us in Christ. We hope in this worship service you will experience God’s grace and love in a fresh way!

‘Traditions’ service takes place at11:00AM in the Main Sanctuary.

Traditions is a reflection of our traditional worship of the ages. Our pipe organ, chancel choir, soloist, and ensembles create an atmosphere of divine worship.

Hurricane Recovery Mission Trip to Houma, Louisiana on Dec 17 & 18

As you know, Hurricane Ida hit the gulf coast of Louisiana three months ago and caused a lot of damage. With this series of missions, we're going to offer the survivors some hope and a little help cleaning up a little corner of the mess.
The LA disaster relief coordinator is still working out the details on which United Methodist Church that will be hosting us, but it's less than 3 weeks away now, so I wanted to get this out there for your careful prayerful consideration.

What are we going to do: First, we're going to drive over there to Houma, Louisiana, then talk a bit to hear a story or or two, and then of course we'll get to work on some small cleanup project.

We will be doing outside work like cleaning up tree debris and /or putting a tarp on a roof; basically whatever they need.

When: Friday - Saturday, December 17 - 18, 2021


Depart Crestview: 6am Friday

Arrive Houma UMC: noon Friday

First shift: 1-6pm Friday

Second shift: 8am-1pm Saturday

Depart Houma UMC: 2pm Saturday

Arrive Crestview: 8pm Saturday

Who: So far, it's just me and Kyle Lusk, so we need your help too.

Commentary: We'll be operating out of the Houma UMC and staying there over night, we need to bring along our own air mattresses and bedding (sleeping bags) and they will be providing a us some floor space, restrooms, and showers and a few meals to boot.

If you want to know how the first two trips went, then definitely ask Pastor Ronnie, Carson Hale, Jody Woodward, and/or David Hill about their experience.

Please consider making this trip with us.

Please forward this on to anyone that you think might be interested in helping out. Thanks!

In Christ We Serve,

Scott Sallberg / 505-553-9631

FUMC Christmas Schedule


Please make plans to join us as we celebrate Christmas together!

*Angel Tree Gifts Due in the CRC

Sun, Dec 5 between services

*Children’s Christmas Pageant

Wed, Dec 8 at 6:30PM in the CRC

*Children’s Gingerbread Party

Sat, Dec 11 at 9:45AM in the CRC

*UMM Christmas Party

Mon, Dec 13 at 6:00PM in the CRC, Tickets are $10

*Chancel Choir Cantata

Sun, Dec 19 at 8:30AM & 11:00AM in the Main Sanctuary

Preaching Service at 9:45AM in the CRC

*Christmas Eve Services

Fri, Dec 24 at 6:30PM & 11:00PM in the Main Sanctuary (Family friendly service, Kid's Street & nursery are unavailable.)

Children's Christmas Pageant / Gingerbread House Event

Save the date for two important Christmas events that we have planned for Kid’s Street!

The children invite you to come out in December for our Children’s Christmas Pageant, The First Christmas, on Dec 8 at 6:30PM. Following the program, we will begin our Happy Birthday Jesus celebration!

Our 4th annual "Family Gingerbread House Decorating Party", will be Sat, Dec 11 (9-11:00AM) at The Crossroads Center. Come join us for Christmas music, decorating Gingerbread houses and a gift bag to take home. Donations needed: Individually wrapped candy for our gift bags, icing, and candy to decorate the houses are all needed. Items can be dropped off in the church office.

Mission Trip to Louisiana Nov 15-16, 2021

Two months ago Hurricane Ida hit the gulf coast of Louisiana and caused a lot of damage, we're going to offer a lot of hope and help to clean up a tiny corner of the mess.

 What are we going to do:  We're going to drive over to Golden Meadow (about 310 miles), talk a bit to hear a story or or two, and then get to work

 More specifically:  We will (most likely) be cleaning up tree debris, and maybe some household goods, and perhaps even put a tarp on a roof; basically whatever they need.

 When:  Monday - Tuesday, November 15-16, 2021

 Schedule: Depart Crestview:  6am Monday  

Arrive Golden Meadow UMC:  noon Monday  

  First shift:  1-6pm Monday  

  Second shift:  8am-1pmTuesday 

  Depart GMUMC:  2pm Tuesday 

  Arrive Crestview:  8pm Tuesday 


Who:  So far, it's just me and Pastor Ronnie, so we need your help too.

Commentary:  We'll be operating out of the Golden Meadow UMC and staying there over night, we need to bring along our own air mattresses and bedding (sleeping bags) and they will be providing a us some floor space, restrooms, and showers and a few meals to boot.

Please consider making this trip with us.

(( By the way, I know that some of you all aren't prepared to do a lot of physical work, but honestly, for me personally, it's the psychological part of trip that is the hardest. ))

Please forward this on to anyone that you think might be interested in helping out. Thanks!

In Christ We Serve,

Scott Sallberg / 505-553-9631

Kids' Street Winter Retreat at Blue Lake Camp

Who is ready to attend the Winter Retreat at Blue Lake Methodist Camp?

Campers are required to be currently in 3rd-5th grade.

Camp Dates: February 4 - 6, 2022

Space is limited. Please call or text Mrs. Angela as soon as possible if you would like to sign up.

Please complete the registration form for camp as well as our internal Trip Consent Form and return to Angela in person or by email.

Paper Registration Form: