CommUNITY Dinner & Chili Cook-Off on Wed, January 17

*CommUNITY Dinner & Chili Cook-Off*

The 8th Ave Methodist Men will be holding their annual Chili Cook-Off on Wed, Jan 17 at the Crossroads Center.

Please have your chili entry to the CRC by 5:00PM to be judged.

Please bring a desert to share if you are able.

Our FMC Youth will be hosting.

A donation box will be set out to help cover the cost of the meal.

All proceeds will go towards our FMC Youth Ministry.

Youth, Kids St. and Chancel Choir will meet at usual.

Dinner will begin being served at 5:30PM,

the Church Council will begin at 6:30PM.

We will also have our Winter Small Groups table out

for your perusal. These begin on Jan 24 so come sign up-

we’re saving you a seat!

Poinsettia Purchases Through December 10

We will be collecting orders for poinsettias in honor or in memory of a loved one!
You can place an order from Nov 26 - Dec 10 by completing a poinsettia envelope order form to include your payment. Envelopes will be placed at the entrance to each service. You will also be able to download an order form from the website at and return it to the church office.
A special Christmas day bulletin insert will list all who purchased a poinsettia and who is being honored/remembered.
Poinsettias will be ready to pick up after any of the Christmas Eve worship services, which will be held at 10:30AM, 6:00PM and 11:00PM in the Main Sanctuary on Dec 24.
Poinsettias will be $15 each and all proceeds will go to Pastor Kris and his ministry in Poland.

Soup Kitchen Holiday Volunteers Needed

Our Soup Kitchen Ministry will continue to serve our community faithfully over Thanksgiving & Christmas!

We’re looking for extra Soupers (volunteers) to help out on these special Saturdays, Nov 25 and Dec 23 & 30, from 9:30AM-12:30PM.

Please contact Deb Lubas at 401-742-4898 or the church office at / 850-682-2018 if you or your group would like to be placed on the schedule!



October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

Dear Pastor Ronnie,

Thank you for being such a
great example of living a life of faith.
You're a blessing to our church.
Thanks for all the ways you make a difference in our church and community. Thanks for all you do to make our church the encouraging and faith-building place it is!

Pastor Appreciation Month!
There will be a basket at each service through October for cards and gifts for our pastor.

Our staff has a prayer calendar for you to take home on Sun, Oct 1, to make sure that Pastor Ronnie is covered in prayer every day.

Calendar is available below, in the church office and at the entrance to each worship service.

Benevolence Ministry Angel Tree Christmas Program, Nov. 8

Our ANGEL TREE will be covered with angels in need of love at our Nov 8 CommUNITY Dinner! Angels are members who are shut-in's and in retirement homes and children in need within our church. Swing by our table on your way in to dinner and we will help register your chosen angel. Thank you for participating in our annual Christmas ministry!

CommUNITY Dinner & Christmas Kick-Off on Wed, Nov 8

Save the Date! Wed, Nov 8

*CommUNITY Dinner *

 The 8th Ave Methodist Men will be stirring up a chicken casserole, veggie & roll for dinner! Please bring a desert to share if you are able.A donation box will be set out to help cover the cost of the meal. All proceeds will go towards our Benevolence Ministry Angel Tree Christmas Program.
Plan on adopting a Christmas Angel and don't forget to bring an angel ornament (unbreakable) for the angel tree!
The CRC lobby will also hold our Winter Studies Book Fair, so come peruse our books and sign up for a study– we’re saving you a seat.
Youth, Kids St. and Chancel Choir will meet at usual.
Dinner will begin being served at 5:30PM, the Church Council will begin at 6:30PM.


*Benevolence Ministry

Angel Tree Christmas Program *

Our ANGEL TREE will be covered with angels in need of love at our Nov 8      CommUNITY Dinner! Angels are members who are shut-in's and in retirement homes and children in need within our church. Swing by our table on your way in to dinner and we will help register your chosen angel. Thank you for participating in our annual Christmas ministry!