CommUNITY Dinner & Christmas Kick-Off on Wed, Nov 8

Save the Date! Wed, Nov 8

*CommUNITY Dinner *

 The 8th Ave Methodist Men will be stirring up a chicken casserole, veggie & roll for dinner! Please bring a desert to share if you are able.A donation box will be set out to help cover the cost of the meal. All proceeds will go towards our Benevolence Ministry Angel Tree Christmas Program.
Plan on adopting a Christmas Angel and don't forget to bring an angel ornament (unbreakable) for the angel tree!
The CRC lobby will also hold our Winter Studies Book Fair, so come peruse our books and sign up for a study– we’re saving you a seat.
Youth, Kids St. and Chancel Choir will meet at usual.
Dinner will begin being served at 5:30PM, the Church Council will begin at 6:30PM.


*Benevolence Ministry

Angel Tree Christmas Program *

Our ANGEL TREE will be covered with angels in need of love at our Nov 8      CommUNITY Dinner! Angels are members who are shut-in's and in retirement homes and children in need within our church. Swing by our table on your way in to dinner and we will help register your chosen angel. Thank you for participating in our annual Christmas ministry!