Yarn Ministry on Tuesday, Jan. 14
/Yarnies will meet on Tues, Jan. 14 at 6:00pm in Rm 213.
Yarnies will meet on Tues, Jan. 14 at 6:00pm in Rm 213.
Church Council will meet on Wednesday, January 15, immediately following the Chili Cook Off Community Dinner.
Join us for our annual Chili Cook-Off on Wednesday, January 15th. All entries should be in place by 5:10pm in Wesley Hall of the Crossroads Center. Judging will take place at 5:15pm. The winners will be announced during the Community Dinner.
We will be collecting items needed for hurricane disaster relief through Sunday, October 20.
All donations can be dropped off at the church office during business hours (Mon.-Thurs. 9am-4pm) or on Sunday morning. You can also make a monetary donation from our church website or through the church app.
Below is a list of items needed:
Food items needed: Cases of bottled water (please no individual bottles) and all kinds of canned meats: tuna, chicken, ham, corn beef, turkey, beef, meatballs, Spam, things like Vienna sausage. Other food items needed include some type of small kids' meals that are not cold or frozen. Pop tarts, granola bars, cans of fruit cocktail are also needed. You can also donate peanut butter and jelly, sports drinks, self-stable milk like powdered milk or milk that can be put on a shelf, dry cereal, and many other things like that. All sizes of baby diapers, baby wipes, dog & Cat Food, and Paper Products are needed, as well as tarps (size 20’ x 25’)
Thank you for your support!
Our church office will be closed on Mon, Jan 20 in observance of MLK Jr. Day.
Sign up now for a Winter Small Group! Just click on the class you would like to join to sign up.
Tuesday Class Begins January 28 at 10am
Wednesday Classes Begins January 29 at 6:00pm
“How to Share Your Faith” Led by David Ordonez in room 402 of the Crossroads Center
Revelation by Max Lucado Led by Susan Hill in the Asbury Room of the Crossroads Center
You are a Christian, Now What?—Class Led by Eddie Hager in room 405 of the Crossroads Center.
Yarnies will meet on Tues, Jan 28 at 6:00PM in Rm 213.
Learn what is going on in the Crestview Christian community!
The Crestview Prayer Network meets the first Wednesday of each month to share fellowship and goings-on in the different churches in the North Okaloosa Area.
The next meeting for the Crestview Prayer Network will be Feb 5 ( rescheduled due to New Year's day) at noon, at Hideaway Pizza downtown.
Come pray for your hometown!
All women of the church are invited to join in on Fri, Feb 7 at 10:00AM in the Asbury Rm / CRC.
We’re going to be collecting meal type soups for our Benevolence Pantry on Sun, Feb 9 in all services. Touch down, SCORE for Crestview Community & Benevolence Pantry!
The youth will be having their FireSide Fellowship on Saturday, February 15 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm at the Tilted Bell Farm, home of Angie Arnold.
Join us for a night of fellowship around the fire and a game of manhunt. Bring your flashlights and a warm jacket!
See Paul Adams for address and directions.
During the month of February, the youth will be collecting household items and furniture (no clothing or shoes) for their March 1 yard sale.
Items may be dropped off at the youth room in the Crossroads Center during the times below:
Every Wednesday during February between 9am and 6pm.
Monday's between 9am and 2pm
Friday, Feb. 7 between 5pm and 7pm
Friday, Feb. 21 between 5pm and 7pm
Come pray for your hometown! This community group will meet on Wed, Oct 2 at Hideaway Pizza on Main St.
All women of the church are invited to the next meeting held on Fri, Oct 4 at 10:00AM in the CRC / Asbury Rm.
All men of the church are invited to join in on Mon, Oct 14 in the Fellowship Hall. A hearty meal is served and there is time for fellowship & a brief business meeting.
I Declare War by Levi Lusko—Led by Jody Woodward in Room 404 in the Crossroads Center (This is a class for young adults)
Youth will gather at Tilted Bell Farm, Angie Arnold's home, for a pool party and fireside fellowship on Saturday, Aug 24 from 5:30-8:30PM.
Please see Paul Adams, Youth Director, for more info and how to sign up.
Bell Choir Kickoff will be Tues, Sept. 17 at 6:00PM in the Bell Rm located next to the Main Sanctuary's pulpit.
Our office will be closed on Mon, Sept 2 in observance of Labor Day.
Come pray for your hometown!
This community group will meet on Wed, Sept 4 at Hideaway Pizza on Main St. at noon.