Where We’re Headed, Part 2: Ministry Architects

Where We’re Headed, Part 2: Ministry Architects

We are looking for 7 people to be our church’s Strategic Design Team. We need 7 “non-anxious, goal-oriented people” who will work with me and our coaches from Ministry Architects over the next two years to lay a new foundation that will support every ministry in our church and unleash the gifts of every person in this church. 

Everyone understands that the buildings and supplies of a church require the occasional touching up and refurbishment, but the ministries of any church also require periodic renovation.  Newcomers find that “everyone knows” about a particular Sunday school or mission opportunity, so no one tells the newcomers. People want to try out new ways of serving the church, but don’t know who to tell, or how to start. Long-time volunteers find themselves burning out, and then they wonder if they have anything left to contribute to the church. Ministry requires maintenance if it is going to last.

On Sunday, April 12 at a special called meeting our Church Council adopted a 28-month timeline for creating a sustainable plan of ministry that makes all the ministries of our church open to the gifts of all people.  This project will transform our church’s ability to communicate the activity of the church, equip our volunteers, help new visitors get connected, and publicize the worship and ministries of our church to the larger community. You can find this timeline on our church’s website, or at this link. It is being adjusted to reflect the time we have taken to pray and discuss before accepting these recommendations.  

This timeline was created by Ministry Architects when they visited our church in March, and it was presented at the Community Dinner that same week. When it was presented, I asked that we take several weeks to pray and consider this proposal.  Our Long-Range Planning committee gave this plan a particularly close look and recommended the plan by a unanimous vote.

In order to accomplish these goals, we are forming a 7-person Strategic Design Team. These non-anxious, goal-oriented people will free up our current staff and current ministry teams to continue our day-to-day ministries, while the Strategic Design Team focuses on accomplishing this timeline. We are looking for 7 people who are willing to make this team the primary place they serve and grow in leadership in for the next 28 months. Here are a few of the things the Strategic Design Team will tackle in just the first year: (1) creating a plan for connecting visitors, (2) creating a 12 month calendar of our biggest events and ministry moments and plan for advertising them in the community (3) creating job descriptions for every volunteer position, so that even the newest of newcomers can join right in, (4) planning a ministry training event that equips willing volunteers for whatever ministry piques their interest.

If you are interested in accomplishing this important work for the church while growing in your own gifts, you won’t be alone. I will be meeting regularly with the Strategic Design Team, and together we will be coached by Dave Sippel and Larry Holland, the two fine gentlemen from Ministry Architects who listened to your thoughts in creating this plan. Our Long-Range Planning Team will also be overseeing this work and making sure we celebrate its accomplishments all along the way. If you are interested in being part of the Strategic Design Team, please email me at Michael.precht@gmail.com.  

I hope all of us will be praying for ministry renovation, and I hope each of us will be ready to help if the Strategic Design Team asks for our thoughts and aid.

Because we believe that grace is the “power of God, freely given, to transform us,” we believe that one of the most graceful things we can do is empower every person to grow in their gifts and leadership in the church.  When we deny people the chance to participate in the mission of God, we are denying them the grace to grow. There will be a day when every person in our church discovers their gifts for ministry, and every ministry is uniquely shaped by the gifts of its people. 

That’s where we’re headed, and I couldn’t be more excited!