A Car for Pastor Kris

Because of our love and concern for Pastor Kris Kopacz in Ilawa, Poland, our sister church, the men's and women's prayer groups are making known a need. Pastor Kris came ten years ago to visit our church and we have sent mission teams there over the years in partnership. On his return home, he fell greatly damaging his knee, which has never been repaired even after many surgeries. Through great pain and difficulty he has continued to minister to three churches and two villages in this small community developing ministry to children and adults through teaching, music, and VBS, all in a car with 300,000 miles on it. Recently a rod went through the motor leaving him with no transportation and dependent on others for the means to travel to his churches. It is our desire to do what we can to help with this need, which we know is sizable. $10,000 would purchase an older, but servicable vehicle for him. If you would like to contribute to this need, you can do so by making a check to FUMC and putting Pastor Kris in the memo line. You can do this next Sunday, or drop a check by the office during normal business hours. It will be our joy to make transportation possible for this amazing and dedicated Pastor who is growing the Methodist faith with love and passion all on a salary of $300 a month.