Youth Discovery Weekend April 21 & 22, RSVP by April 9

We invite your rising 6th-8th graders to join us as we discover what God has in store during the 2017 Discovery Weekend! Please complete a registration form and drop your $50 in the offering plate or by the church office no later than April 9th. Discovery Weekend is a 42 hour spiritual formation retreat for rising 6th through 8th graders. The weekend is hosted at the Crossroads Center by our Senior High (9th-12th graders) youth and adult volunteers. Discovery Weekend invites the entire church family to live out its Baptismal covenant of “surrounding these children with a community of love and forgiveness so they may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.”

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Discovery Weekend is a wonderful chance to pour in to our Middle School and High School students in a life changing way. We are in need of adult volunteers to fill positions as Disciple Group Leaders, Photography, Meals & Snacks, Set Up, Clean Up, Follow Up, Prayer Team, Midnight Watch and Overnight Chaperones. Please contact the Discovery Weekend Coordinator, Sara Fordyce at 217-7106 or  for more information.