Vacation Bible School July 17-21: Register HERE

The wait is finally over!

Registration is open for Maker Fun Factory - VBS 2017!

When you register your child, consider registering yourself as a volunteer!

Come join us as we have a blast learning about how we were made by God, and built for a purpose!

Who: Rising VPK - Rising 6th grade

When: July 17 - July 219:00-12:00 (doors open at 8:40)

Where: FUMC Crossroads Center

Cost: FREE!

Registration Link:


VBS is almost here (July 17-21), and I can hardly wait to dance, and play games, and celebrate God's purpose for our kids with them! We have all of our major teaching positions covered, but we are still in need of a few more volunteers to act as Crew Leaders to our kids, and show them that God loves them, and we do too! We would appreciate your help, even if you only have one morning to give. If you would like to help, please contact Jennifer Precht at or Nikki Akers (our Preschool VBS Director) at

We will have a SHORT (15 minute) meeting on July 9 directly after the 11:00 service in the Crossroads Center lobby to discuss the week of VBS, receive Safe Sanctuary training if you've not had it before, and receive your t-shirt! After the meeting, anyone who wants to stay to help get a jump start on decorations for the coming week is welcome! We will work on decorations from 12:30-4:00.

I know God has amazing things in store for this week; let's make this the best Vacation Bible School we've ever had!