Feeding Families Project on Saturday, April 24 & 25

Crestview's Faith Based Feeding Families Project


A note from Crestview Mayor JB Whitten:

"The time has come. Believe it or not, this has been a humongous undertaking because it has involved Farm Share, Destin Harvest, Gulf Coast Feeding, the Patriot Emergency Response Team, the County Emergency Response Team, Okaloosa-Walton United Way, Hub City Smokehouse & Grill, the Crestview Team, and now all of you.

As mentioned before, I want to this be conducted as a Faith Community program called the Feeding Families Project. Based on our 2 teleconferences, I believe you will all support this is some fashion; some more than others, based on the size of your congregation.

So, what I need from you all are the volunteers to show up Friday, the 24th, starting at 5PM, at the Community Center, to pre-pack bags with non-perishable dry goods. I will then need more volunteers [same or different] to show up at 7 AM the next morning to pack the produce and refrigerated items, then stay for distribution from 9 AM until noon or until we run out of the 42,000 pounds of food.

All participants will be screened by a medical expert to make sure we don’t have any accidental virus exposures. Volunteers will also be provided with masks, gloves, water, and if we can get a sponsor, a light breakfast on Saturday morning.

Based on previous giveaways, we have determined that we need a minimum of 40 to 50 volunteers. To make sure that we have that kind of support, I need a solid list of names and shift [Fri. or Sat.] to me by no later than the end of business Wednesday, the 22nd.

With these kind of events , one doesn’t want to do media releases too early nor too late; therefore, don’t expect to see anything on radio, television, social media, or print until about the 22nd.

Thank you for your support in verifying that we are truly “A Community Coming Together”."

JB Whitten
Crestview Mayor

* If you are interested in assisting please contact the mayor at jbwhitten@cityofcrestview.org