Hurricane Prep Volunteers Needed

Happy Summer FUMC!

As we watched the track of Elsa head up the East Coast, we are all aware we are into hurricane season!

Hurricane Prep.png

As we come upon the 3 year anniversary of Hurricane Michael which just missed us to the east, and

Hurricane Sally which just missed us to the west, and a separate storm which hit some of us and still

more on the west…we have seen the damage that can be done as far inland as we are. Survivors of

these storms are still cleaning up their properties…Santa Rosa County members of our district’s Crisis

Cleanup volunteers are out a few weekends every month trying to help people recover.

Given recent “Hurricane History” in the panhandle, the FUMC Trustees have decided it is time to update

our Disaster Preparedness checklists in the event a hurricane decides to head for the Hub City. We are

putting together checklists of tasks to be accomplished in the event the Church is in the path of a storm,

and one of the major tasks is to coordinate a team to help prepare the Campus. This checklist will

balance time and cost regarding what we can and cannot do to prepare…tasks will include things like

filling and placing sandbags, securing office equipment and technology away from windows, covering

windows, securing external signs for wind damage, etc.

If a storm is coming, we of course understand that Congregation members need to be preparing their

own homes as well, but we are hoping that “many hands” will make “light work” and enough people will

be able to come out to help prepare our campus. There will be jobs for all ages so it can be a family

project to come and help protect our beautiful church.

If you are willing to be on a team to help out in the event of a storm, please email Angie at And let’s all pray to our Lord that the team will not be needed and can be

reserved for other tasks in his name! Thank You All!

FUMC Trustees

July 2021