CommUNITY Dinner on Wed, Jan 15

CommUNITY Dinner

Chili Cook-Off & Hot Dog Dinner

The 8th Ave Methodist Men will be holding their annual Chili Cook-Off this Wed, Jan 15 at the Crossroads Center.

Please have your chili entry to the CRC by 5:00PM to be judged.

The 8th Ave Men's Group will provide hotdogs and chips to go with the chili entries. Please bring a desert to share if you are able.

A donation box will be set out to help cover the cost of the meal.

All proceeds will go towards our men’s group outreach projects.
Youth, Kids St. and Chancel Choir will meet at usual.
Dinner will begin being served at 5:30PM,

the Church Council will begin at 6:30PM.

We will also have our Winter Small Groups table out

for your perusal. These begin the week of Jan 20 (NEXT WEEK)

 so come sign up- we’re saving you a seat!